Code Graphy Development Blogs

My newest pet project. Convert your code to interactive graphs!

  • June, 25 2023

What is CodeGraphy

I'm creating a program in c++ that turn your code into an interactive graph. As a programmer myself I often have a hard time reading code sometimes even my code. To help me I often create graphs to make it easier for me to understand. But that often leads to tedious editing of the graph once I made changes to the code. So I am currently building an program that will automatically convert my code to interactive graphs. And that is CodeGraphy.


Planning Stage

Information before action. One of my principles is to always do the research and only act if you have a necessary information to do the job. In this part I will plan how I will build the project.

First Steps

This covers the first steps of CodeGraphy. I created a TextFileProcessor that will take a path of a source file and get the text. I didn't expect this to be long for a simple and trivial part of the code. I intended this blog post to cover more but I decided to cut it.